Lin MC*, Liu CC, Lin YC, Hsu CW. Epigallocatechin gallate modulates essential elements, Zn/Cu ratio, hazardous metal, lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant activity in the brain cortex during cerebral ischemia. Antioxidants. 2022;11(2):396. doi:10.3390/antiox11020396. (Q1, SCIE, IF=7.675).
Lin MC*, Liu CC, Lin YC, Liao CS. Resveratrol protects against cerebral ischemic injury via restraining lipid peroxidation, transition elements, and toxic metal levels, but enhancing antioxidant activity. Antioxidants. 2021;10(10):1515. doi: 10.3390/antiox10101515. (Q1, SCIE, IF=7.675).
Lin MC*, Liu CC, Liao CS, Ro JH. Neuroprotective effect of quercetin during cerebral ischemic injury involves regulation of essential elements, transition metals, Cu/Zn ratio, and antioxidant activity. Molecules. 2021;26(20):6128. doi:10.3390/molecules26206128. (Q2, SCIE, IF=4.927)
Ro JH, Liu CC, Lin MC*. Resveratrol mitigates cerebral Ischemic Injury by Altering Levels of Trace Elements, Toxic Metal, Lipid Peroxidation, and Antioxidant Activity. Biological Trace Element Research. 2021 Oct;199(10):3718-3727. doi: 10.1007/s12011-020-02497-x. E-pub 2020 Nov 23. PMID: 33230635. (Q2, SCIE, IF=4.081)..
Chang SH, Yin HC, Shen TZ, Lin MC*. Curcumin ameliorates cerebral ischemia induced oxidative stress by modulating lipid peroxidation, antioxidant activity, essential elements, transition, and toxic metals. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan.2022; 33(6). DOI: 10.6314.
Lien CH, Lin YC, Liao CS,Lin MC*.Protective effect of silibinin during cerebral ischemia is correlated with altering oxidative stress, transition metal, and antioxidant. Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 2021, 8(3):13-21.
Y.W. Huang, C.C. Liu, M.M. Shiu, M.C. Lin*. Paraquat-induced Oxidative Injury in Erythrocytes is correlated with Decreased Magnesium Level and Reduced Antioxidant Activity. Pharm. Chem. J. 7(2); 34-42; 2020.
M.T. Chen, C.C. Liu, M.C. Lin*. Increased Oxidative Injury in Erythrocytes after Paraquat Exposure is correlated with Declined Enzyme Activity and Reduced Zinc Level. Pharm. Chem. J. 7(2); 125-131; 2020.
M.M. Shiu, B.Y. Huang, C.S. Liao, C.C. Liu, M.C. Lin* Protective efficacy of antrodia camphorate on the tissues of brain, kidney, lung, and liver is associated with declining lipid peroxidation. Am J Lab Med. 2(6); 20-24; 2017
M.C. Lin*, C.C. Liu, M.M. Shiu, B.Y. Huang. Herbicide paraquat-induced oxidative injury in erythrocytes is responsible for the perturbations of essential metal Level and antioxidant enzyme activity. Bio Trace Elem Res. 2017.
B.Y. Huang, C.C. Liu, Z.Y. Jian, M.C. Lin* Antrodia camphorata declines oxidative stress and enhances antioxidant enzyme activity in the brain cortex of rats. Am J Lab Med. 1(3); 29-33; 2016.
M.C. Lin*. Effects of EGb761 on the dynamic alterations of magnesium, glucose, and lactate level in brain cortex of gerbils during focal cerebral ischemia. Int. J. Life Sci. Scientific Res. 1(2); 58-61; 2015.
M.C. Lin*EGb761 co-administrated with FK506 offer no more protective efficacy than EGb761 alone during focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion monitored by micro-dialysis coupled with micro-bore liquid chromatography. Int. J. Med. Pharm. 3(1); 41-53; 2015
M.C. Lin*. Effect of EGb761 on the dynamic changes of energy metabolites and bio-metal in the brain cortex of gerbil during focal cerebral ischemia. Open Access Library J; 22-28; 2015.
K.M. Fang, F.C. Cheng, Y.L. Huang, S.Y. Chung, Z.Y. Jian, M.C. Lin﹡ Trace element, antioxidant activity, and lipid peroxidation levels in brain cortex of gerbils after cerebral ischemic injury. Biol Trace Elem Res. 152:66–74, 2013. (SCIE; IF=4.081).
M.M. Shiu, M.C. Lin﹡Pharmacological effects of EGb761 on the dynamic changes of extracellular essential metals and energy related metabolites in brain cortex of gerbils during focal cerebral ischemia. Bull. Taiwan Soci. Laboratory Med. 28:109-119, 2013.
S.Y. Chung, F.C. Cheng, J.Y. Lin, M.C. Lin and M.F. Wang. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (EGb761) combined with neuroprotective agents reduces the infarct volumes of gerbil’s ischemic brain. Am. J. Chinese Med. 35(4); 803-817, 2006. (SCIE; IF=5.7).
S.Y. Chung, M.F. Wang, J.Y. Lin, M.C. Lin, H.M. Liu, F.C. Cheng. 2006. Effect of one week treatment with ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on ischemia-induced infarct volume in gerbils. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 31(4); 533-542. (SCIE I; IF=5.7).
M.C. Lin, Y.L. Huang, H.W. Liu, D.Y. Yang, F.C. Cheng. Microdialysis analyzer and flame atomic absorption spectrometry in the determination of blood glucose, lactate and magnesium in gerbils subjected to cerebral ischemia/reperfusion. J. Am. Colle. Nutrit. 23(5); 556S-560S, 2005. (SCIE; IF=2.979).
M.C. Lin, Y.L. Huang, H.W. Liu, D.Y. Yang, J.B. Lee, F.C. Cheng. On-line micro-dialysis-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry in the determination of brain magnesium levels in gerbils subjected to cerebral ischemia/reperfusion. J. Am. Colle. Nutrit. 23(5); 561S-565S, 2005. (SCIE; IF=2.979).
J.Y. Lin, F.C. Cheng, S.Y. Chung, M.C. Lin. Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb761) and FK506 preserve energy metabolites in the striatum during focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in gerbils monitored by microdialysis. J. Biomed. Sci. 11; 611-616, 2005. (SCIE; IF=11).
D.Y. Yang, J.B Lee, M.C. Lin, Y.L. Huang, H.W. Liu, F.C. Cheng. The determination of brain magnesium and zinc levels by a dual-probe microdialysis and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. J. Am. Colle. Nutrit. 23(5); 552S-555S, 2005. (SCIE; IF=5.7).
S.Y. Chung, M.F. Wang, J.Y. Lin, M.C. Lin, H.M. Liu, F.C. Cheng. Effect of one week treatment with ginkgo biloba extract on ischemia-induced infarct volume in gerbils. Am. J. Chinese Med. 1(4);533-542, 2005. (SCIE; IF=5.7).
J.Y. Lin, S.Y. Chung, M.C. Lin, F.C. Cheng. Effects of magnesium sulfate on energy metabolites and glutamate in brain cortex during focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in the gerbil monitored by a dual-probe micro-dialysis technique. Life Sci. 71; 803-811, 2004. (SCIE; IF=5.7).
S.Y. Chung, J.Y. Lin, M.C. Lin, H.M. Liu, M.F. Wang, F.C. Cheng. Synergistic efficacy of magnesium sulfate and FK506 on cerebral ischemia-induced infarct volume in gerbil. Med. Sci. Monitor. 10(4); BR105-108, 2004.
M.C. Lin, M.S. Lee, G.M. Wang, F.C. Cheng. The clinical application and principle of laser duppler flowmetry. Bull. Med. Lab. 12 (15); 2003.
C.I. Lee, M.C. Lin, D.W. Yang, Y.G. Yang, F.C. Cheng. Effects of MK801 on blood flow and neurotransmitter of brain cortex in gerbils. J. Biomed. Lab. Sci. 15(1); S7-11, 2003.
M.C. Lin, J.M.Wang, F.C. Cheng. Principle of laser doppler flowmetry and its applications in clinical medicine. J. Biomed. Lab. Sci. 15(3); S41-43, 2003.
C.S. Liao, M.C. Lin*(2019) Quercetin reduces lipid peroxidation and elevates antioxidant andessential metal level in cerebral ischemic brain of rats. The 34th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 23-24.
B.H. Huang, B.Y. Huang, M.C. Lin* (2018) Resveratrol can reduce lipid peroxidation effect and enhances superoxide dismutase activity in the brain cortex of rats. The 33th Joint AnnualConference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 24-25.
Z.J. Yang, B.Y. Huang, M.C. Lin* (2017) Antrodia camphorate mycelia reduces lipid peroxidation effect and increase activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase in brain cortex of rats. The 32th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 25-26.
Bo-Yu Huang, Yu-Hsuan Pan, M.C. Lin*(2016) Paraquat poisoning in the renal tissue is responsible for decreased magnesium and zinc level. The 31th Joint Annual Conference ofBiomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 26-27.
Shiu Mei-Min; M.C. Lin*(2015) Magnesium sulfate ameliorates cerebral ischemia-induced oxidative injury via altering transition metal level and antioxidant enzyme activity. Cross-straitLaboratory Medicine Symposium in 2015. Tainan,Taiwan,April 11-12.
Bo-Yu Huang, Yu-Hsuan Pan, M.C. Lin *(2015) Acute paraquat poisoning in erythrocytes is responsible for decreased superoxide dismutase activity and enhanced malondialdehyde level. The30th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 21-22.
Yu-Hsuan Pan, Bo-Yu Huang, M.C. Lin* (2015) Increased catalase activity, hematocrit value, and malondialdehyde level in erythrocytes is highly correlated with paraquat poisoning. The 30th JointAnnual Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 21-22.
Shiu Mei-Min; M.C. Lin *(2014) Paraquat toxicity is associated with enhanced lipid peroxidation and reduced antioxidant activity in erythrocytes. Cross-strait Laboratory Medicine Symposium in2014. Taichung,Taiwan,October 26-27.
J.C. Lee, M.C. Lin﹡(2014) Biological effects of Antrodia Cinnamomea on the levels of malondialdehyde, bio-metals, and antioxidant activity in brain cortex of rats. The 29th JointAnnual Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 22-23.
M.M. Shiu, M.C. Lin﹡ (2013) Antrodia Cinnamomea may decline lipid peroxidation status and trace element level in the brain cortex of cerebral ischemic rats. Cross-strait Laboratory Medicine Symposium in 2013. Taichung,Taiwan,October 26-27.
Z.Y. Jian, M.C. Lin﹡(2013) Effects of antrodia camphorata on the alteration of trace element level, antioxidant activity, and lipid peroxidation status after cerebral ischemic injury; The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 23-24.
M.C. Lin﹡(2012) Effects of EGb761 on energy metabolites and essential elements in brain cortex of rats during cerebral ischemia. Annual Conference of the Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan; November 24-25
M.C. Lin﹡(2012) Antrodia camphorata on the level of trace elements, antioxidant, and oxidative stress after cerebral ischemic injury. The 4th Annual Symposium of Neural and Cognitive Sciences; Taichung,Taiwan,May 4.
M.C. Lin﹡(2012) Influence of cerebral ischemia on the alteration of trace element level and lipid peroxidation status in the homogenates of brain cortex in gerbils. The 27th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences; March 17-18.
M.C. Lin﹡(2011) Determination of the level of lipid peroxidation and trace element of magnesium and zinc in cerebral ischemic gerbils by micro-dialysis coupled with high performance liquid chromatography and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The 26th Joint Annual Conferenceof Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 19-20.
M.C. Lin﹡(2010) Microdialysis coupled with atomic absorption spectrophotometer and high performance liquid chromatography in the determination of brain trace element and oxidative levels in gerbils during focal cerebral ischemia. 4th Asian Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations (AFLAS),Taipei,Taiwan,November 9-11.
M.C. Lin﹡(2009) Oxidative effects of paraquat on the alveolar macrophage in Sprague-Dauley rats. The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences; Taipei,Taiwan,March 21-22.
M.C. Lin﹡(2007) Determination of trace elements and energy metabolites in brain cortex by microdialysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometer technique in gerbils during focal cerebral ischemia. The 22th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences; Taipei,Taiwan,March17-18.
M.C. Lin﹡ (2006) FK506 co-administration with EGb761 extract provided an antagonistic effect in gerbils during focal cerebral ischemia.The 21th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,Taiwan,March 26-27.
M.C. Lin﹡ (2004) On-line microdialysis-atomic absorption spectrometry in the determination of brain magnesium levels in gerbils to cerebral ischemia and reperfusion.19th Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,April 10-11.
M.C. Lin﹡, F.C. Cheng. (2004) Microdialysis and atomic absorption spectrometry in the assay of blood glucose, lactate and magnesium in gerbils to cerebral ischemia.19th Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taipei,April 10-11.
M.C. Lin﹡, F.C. Cheng (2003) Efects of EGb761 and FK506 on dopamine metabolism during cerebral ischemia in gerbil monitored by microdialysis technique. 18th Conference of BiomedicalSciences,Taipei,March 22-23.
S.Y. Chung,M.C. Lin, F.C. Cheng(2003) Effects of magnesium sulfate combined with FK506 on reducing infarction volume of brain. The 8th Chinese Experimental Animal Association,Taipei,Taiwan,October 22-23.
M.C. Lin﹡ (2006) Dynamic measurement of brain magnesium, zinc, glucose and lactate levels by a dual-probe micro-dialysis-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry technique in gerbils subjected during focal cerebral ischemia. October, 22-26. (11th International Magnesium Symposium; Osaka, Japan)
M.C. Lin﹡ (2003) Microdialysis coupled with atomic absorption spectrometry in the determination of blood magnesium levels in gerbils subjected to cerebral ischemia/reperfusion. September, 7-11. 10th International Magnesium Symposium; (Cairns, Australia).
Protective effect of apocynin on the ischemic brain cortex.(澄清綜合醫院平等院區; 2024).
Protective effect of caffeic acid on brain cortex during ischemic stroke.(澄清綜合醫院平等院區; 2023)
Neuroprotective mechanism of antrodia camphorate on the ischemic brain cortex. (澄清綜合醫院中港院區; 2022).
Biological effects of curcumin on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant activity, and trace elements in schemic brain cortex of rats. (澄清綜合醫院平等院區; 2021).
Effects of quercetin on free radicals, antioxidant activity, and trace elements in cerebral ischemic brain cortex of rats. (澄清綜合醫院中港院區; 2020).
Effects of quercetin on toxic elements, oxidative stress, and antioxidant enzymes during focal cerebral ischemic brain. (梧棲童綜合醫院; 2019)
Effects of polyphenol resveratrol on free radicals, antioxidant activity, and trace elements in cerebral ischemic brain cortex of rats. (澄清綜合醫院中港院區; 2018).
Effects of resveratrol on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant activity, and trace element levels in ischemic brain cortex of rats. (利泓科技有限公司; 2017).
Effects of antrodia camphorata on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme activity, and trace metal level in the brain cortex of rats. (利泓科技有限公司; 2016).
Biological efficacy of antrodia camphorata mycelia on oxidative stress, antioxidant activity, and toxic metal level on cerebral ischemic brain cortex. (利泓科技有限公司; 2015-2016).
Chinese Medicine of antrodia camphorata on the enzyme activity, lipid peroxidation status, and essential element level in ischemic brain of rats. (利泓科技有限公司; 2015).
Determination of the trace element level and oxidative stress in the brain cortex of rats using micro-dialysis technique during focal cerebral ischemia. (利泓科技有限公司; 2014).
Microdialysis coupled with atomic absorption spectrometer in the determination of energy metabolites and essential metals during stroke. (利泓科技有限公司; 2013).
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Editorial Board Members: (American Journal of Laboratory Medicine; USA)
Associate Editor: (International Journal of Life-Sciences Scientific Research; India).
Best Article Award: Effects of EGb761 on the dynamic alterations of magnesium, glucose, and lactate level in the brain cortex of gerbils during focal cerebral ischemia. International Journal of Life-Science Scientific Research; 1(2); 58-61; 2015.
Best Poster Award: Microdialysis coupled with atomic absorption spectrophotometer in the determination of blood magnesium levels in gerbils subjected to cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. 10th International Magnesium Symposium; (Cairns, Australia; 2003).
Invited keynote speaker: International Conference on Computational Chemistry and Toxicology in Environmental Science (2019).