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Chen,Yu Hsuan

Chen Yu-Hsuan


Job title: Associate Professor

Research expertise:Sleep medicine

Emai:  yhchen@ctust.edu.tw

Office phone number:(04) 2239-1647 #7002



Professional Fields:Sleep medicine

Courses TaughtClinical physiology


Representative Publication in 5 Years 

  1. Chang SP, Shih KS, Chi CP, Chang CM, Hwang KL4, Chen YH*(2016) Association Between Exercise Participation and Quality of Sleep and Life Among University Students in Taiwan. Asia Pac J Public Health. 28(4):356-67(SCI)
  2. Chang SP, Chen YH*(2015)Relationships between sleep quality with physical fitness and body mass index in college freshmen. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 55(10):1234-41(SCI)
  3. Chen YH, Yang CM, Chang SP, Hu ML (2009) C/EBP beta and C/EBP delta expression is elevated in the early phase of ethanol-induced hepatosteatosis in mice. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 30(8), 1138-1143(SCI)
  4. Chen YH, Wang MF, Liao JW, Chang SP, Hu ML (2009) Beneficial effects of nicotinamide on alcohol-induced liver injury in senescence-accelerated mice Biofactors, 34(2), 97-107(SCI)