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Chen,Pei Lain


Pei-Lain Chen


Job title: Associate Professor

Research expertise:The investigation of modification mechanism of capsid  protein in infectious life  cycle and  gene therapy of  human polyomavirus virus.

Emai:  plchen@ctust.edu.tw

Office phone number:(04) 2239-1647 #7031

EducationPh.D., Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,  National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

Professional Fields: hematology, virology, molecular biology

Courses TaughtClinical Hematology,  Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, Clinical Mycology and Laboratory, Special Topics in Applied Virology


Representative Publication in 5 Years


  1. Chao CN, Lin ML, Fang CY, Chen PL, Chang DC, Shen CH, Wang ML(2016).Gene Therapy for Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Using a Suicide Gene Driven by a Lung-Specific Promoter Delivered by JC Virus-Like Particles. PLOS ONE  DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0157865 (SCI)
  2. Chao CN. Huang YL, Lin MC, Fang CY, Shen CH, Chen PL, Wang ML, Chang DC and Tseng CE(2015). Inhibition of human diffuse large B-cell lymphoma growth by JC polyomavirus-like particles delivering a suicide gene Journal of Translational Medicine.13(1):29. (SCI)
  3. Fang CY , Tsai YD , Lin MC , Wang ML ,Chen PL , Chao CN , Huang YL , Chang DC, Shen CH. Inhibition of human bladder cancer growth by a suicide gene delivered by JC polyomavirus virus-like particles in a mouse model(2015). Journal of urology. Jan 24(SCI)
  4. Huang CL , Ou WC, Chen PL, Liu CN, Chen MC, Lu CC, ChenYC, Lin MH, Huang CS. Effects of Interaction Between Dopamine D2 Receptor and Monoamine Oxidase A Genes on Smoking Status in Young Men (2015). Biological Research for Nursing. 17(4): 422-428.(SCI)
  5. Lin MC, Wang ML, Fang CY, Chen PL, Shen CH, Chang DC(2014). Inhibition of BK virus replication in human kidney cells by BK virus large tumor antigen-specific shRNA delivered by JC virus-like particles.Antiviral Research 103: 25–31.(SCI)
  6. Tseng CE, Yeh CM, Fang CY, ShayJ ,Chen PL , Lin MC , Chang DC, Wang ML(2014). Detection of human JCPyV and BKPyV in diffuse large B-celllymphoma of the GI tract. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 33:665–672 (SCI).
  7. Li MH, Huang H, Chen PL, Huang CH ,ChenYH, Ooi HK(2013). Metagonimus yokogawai: metacercariae survey in fishes and its development to adult worms in various rodents. Parasitology Research 112:1647–1653. (SCI).
  8. Huang CH, Chi CY, Chen YS, Chen KY, Chen PL, Chun-Hsu Yao CH*(2012). Evaluation of proanthocyanidin-crosslinked electrospun gelatin nanofibers for drug delivering system. Materials Science and Engineering C.2012.( SCI).
  9. Liaw YC#, Chen CH#, Kuo-Hsiung KH, Fang CY, Ou WC, Chen PL, Shen CH, Lin MC, Chang DC, Wang ML(2012). Recombined sequences between the non-coding control regions of JC and BK viruses found in the urine of a renal transplantation patient. Virus Genes. (SCI)
  10. Fang CY, Lin PY, Ou WC, Chen PL, Shen CH, Chang DC , Wang ML(2012). Analysis of the size of DNA packaged by the human JC virus-like particle. Journal of virological methods: 182(1-2):87-92.( SCI)
  11. Chen PL, Hsu PH, Fang CY, Chang CF, Ou WC, Wang ML and Chang DC(2011).  Phosphorylation of Ser-80 of VP1 and Ser-254 of VP2 is essential for human BK virus propagation in tissue culture. Journal of General Virology. 92(11): 2637–2645. (SCI)
  12. Chang CF, Wang ML, Fang CY, Chen PL, Wu SF, Chan MW, Chang DC (2011).Analysis of DNA methylation in human BK virus. Virus Genes. 2011 Oct; 43(2):201-7. (SCI)