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Cherng,Yie Jia

Yie-Jia Cherng


Job title:Professor

Research expertise:Microwave chemistry, Organic synthesis

Emai: yjcherng@ctust.edu.tw

Office phone number:(04) 2239-1647 #7044

EducationDoctor’s degree

Courses TaughtGeneral chemistry, Organic chemistry, Organic experiment

Professional Fields:Organic chemistry, Organic synthesis, Organic analysis


Representative Publication in 5 Years 

1.Yu-Chin Lin, Ni-Ching Li, Yie-Jia Cherng* Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry  2014 , 51, 808-814. Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Substituted Dibenzo[b,f][1,4]thiazepines, Dibenzo[b,f][1,4]oxazepines, Benzothiazoles, and Benzimidazoles( SCI ) 

2. Shiuh-Chuan Chan, Jing-Pei Jang, Yie-Jia Cherng* Tetrahedron 2009 , 65, 1977-1981. Microwave-assisted synthesis of substituted phenanthrenes, anthracenes, acenaphthenes and fluorenes ( SCI )