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Huang,Chiung Hua

Chiung-Hua Huang


Job title: Associate Professor

Research expertise:Functional analysis and biomedical application of herbal medicine

Emai:  chhuang@ctust.edu.tw

Office phone number:(04) 2239-1647 #7032


Professional Fields: Biochemistry

Courses TaughtBiology, Biochemistry

Representative Publication in 5 Years

  1. Wound Healing Effect of Electrospun Gelatin Nanofibers Containing Centella Asiatica Extract in a Rat Model. Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (SCI), 2015 Feb  Chun-Hsu Yao , Jen-Yu Yeh, Yueh-Sheng Chen, Ming-Hsien Li, Chiung-Hua Huang*
  2. Evaluation of proanthocyanidin-crosslinked electrospun gelatin nanofibers for drug delivering system. Materials Science and Engineering C 32 (Dec, 2012) 32 2476-2483 (SCI) Chiung-Hua Huang, Chin-Ying Chi, Yueh-Sheng Chen, Kuo-Yu Chen, Pei-Lain Chen, Chun-Hsu Yao
  3. Evaluation of 60Co-gamma radiosterilization on Chinese medicines with HPLC/FTIR. Biomedical Chromatography 24:11 ,1179-1184 (SCI) Chiung-Hua Huang, Shih-Chang Lee, Yueh-Sheng Chen and Chun-Hsu Yao  (2010).
  4. Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C in oat roots: association with the actin cytoskeleton. Planta, 230(5), 925-933 (SCI) Chiung-Hua Huang, R.Crain. (2009)
  5. Metagonimus yokogawai: metacercariae survey in fishes and its development to adult worms in various rodents, Parasitol Res (2013) 112:1647–1653 Ming-Hsien Li, Hai-I Huang, Pei-Lain Chen, Chiung-Hua Huang, Yu-Hsuan Chen & Hong-Kean Ooi